Sunday, November 14

Counterfeit Church - The Found Ones

The Counterfeit Church – The Found Ones

I’m sitting on a plane headed back to Fort Lauderdale right now remembering the fresh conversation in my mind that I just had with an elderly gentleman about church and all the churches he’s attended, or been involved in, the problems over the years, complaints and things that he wouldn’t trade for the world. I sit and think about over the past 50 years how much church has changed, especially here in America. Can’t help but ask, is this what God intended for our church to look like? I mean, if God really is who He says He is, and how truly incredible He must be, and there’s a special house that’s His that I’m welcome to go to and hear all about Him, to encourage me and lift me out of my mess, and actually have the opportunity to KNOW Him and who He is…? And He actually knows me? And loves me?... And… I dread waking up on Sunday morning… Why? Where did we go wrong? What questions are we not asking because we’re afraid of the answers?

I walk in through the front, tall glass doors to a smiling face 
Someone who shakes my hand and hands me a bulletin of all the upcoming events 
and it says who is teaching that day and maybe even a “fill-in-the-blanks” on the reverse side. 
I fold it up because I honestly don’t care. 
I quickly scope out the room, seeing if there’s anyone I know 
scanning my brain violently to remember the names of those I’ve met a thousand times before 
people just not big enough in my life to let them make a difference. 
I break in through more doors into the sanctuary and frantically look for “my seat”… 
the place where I always sit because that’s where I “hear God the best” 
that’s where “I can worship the best”. 
After the opening song and a quick greeting from the worship leader or a random pastor, 
I get to “meet” someone new… again. 
More worship from people I secretly judge 
because I see their facebook pages and see the stuff they do from Monday through Saturday, 
makes worship tough and seem superficial. 
Songs of lies. 
Then the message… Make sure not to step on my toes preacher man. 
In fact, give me some “feel good” stuff that I can take home so I can sleep good tonight 
because Sunday is about me. 
I need my "forgiveness tank" filled up again too. 
God knows I need that...
I accidentally notice shortly after church that the worship leader 
gave a cold remark to one of the other band members, 
and at that point it’s quite clear that the worship leader 
is VERY confident in his abilities and what he believes in 
even if it’s not exactly what the church believes 
and he doesn’t like a few of the other members. 
I could almost feel the tension between the worship team members as they were walking out. 
Wonder if that effects anyone trying to worship? 
Isn’t someone who has a bitter heart leading worship kind of an oxy-moron? 
It became clear to me at that point that the church really depended 
on the worship leader for many things to run smoothly Sunday morning
and they had decided that they were “ok” if there were 
some SERIOUS issues with the core of who he was 
because in this modern day church, Pastors are 
reluctant to press discipleship into the leaders 
because most people in the church aren’t interested in discipleship. 
They just want to be able to lay their head on the pillow at night 
and “feel good” about what they’re doing. 
So if the Pastor or the accountability person pushes them to look at themselves 
or to look at their junk, they’ll bail. 
They’re out. 
Not interested in discipleship 
in change 
in the God outside of the box they’ve built around Him. 
So it’s just safer for the Pastor NOT to say anything 
to the cocky worship leader who KNOWS the service leans on him 
otherwise the Sunday morning will fall to pieces. 
And he’s made it clear he’s not gonna change 
but rather things are gonna go his way. 
And trust me 
there are plenty of churches out there who WON’T ask the touch questions 
so we’re pretty sure he’s not afraid to bail. 
So let’s just turn a blind eye to some of the things he does 
some of the way he treats other leaders 
and how he leads, 
and so that way we know Sunday will go smoothly... 
So let’s join this church 
plan to do a bunch of Outreaches and “reach this city” 
because they need Jesus… 
Let’s “get them in the doors” and get them saved!! 
We’re not really interested in revealing our own junk really, 
because we’re leaders 
and staff 
and members of church 
we don’t really deal with junk. 
In fact most of us don’t really have junk. 
The people out in the city are our primary concern 
because they are the lost ones. 
We are the found ones 
why would we need to deal with us anymore? 
We’re found, right? 
And that’s the purpose, right?
[Matt 28]
 Discipleship is kind of a lost cause anyways
 it’s too complicated 
gets messy. 
We’re here to “seek and save those who are lost”… 
Guess we haven’t really asked what we do now that we're the found ones...
guess we seek and save more, right? 
We’re not really interested in our own anyways 
just give us a small vial of Jesus 
a quick shot in the arm once a week 
kind of a “feel good shot” to keep us coming back 
so we can forget the pain in our lives 
sleep good at night. 
Kinda sounds like heroin… 
"Need my Jesus!" 
"Really need to go to church this Sunday!"  
Oh don’t worry new visitor 
it won’t hurt too bad. 
We’re not gonna go to deep 
just a quick shot in the arm 
the pain disappears for a bit 
and you’re right back to your life. 
We’re not gonna ask you to change anything 
come just as you are. 
Join a small group 
become a greeter 
get involved. 
In fact, you don’t have to change a thing about your “private” life either 
you know… even the things you put on Facebook. 
No one will ask because God takes you as you are 
and besides you’d fit right in. 
Just look at the worship leader… 
Just give us some money 
put on a smile 
shake a hand 
maybe even a hug 
and ask your friends to come too
cause I’m sure they’re hurting too…

Is there a part of this day that God actually intended? Is He really the reason we do things? Is He really our motivation? Just because we do things in the name of God doesn’t mean He actually has anything to do with it… When the rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked how to get to heaven, Jesus told him all the things he was already doing, and he KNEW this. If in his heart he would have been satisfied with “doing” all these things in God’s name then he never would have asked. Jesus simply said, “you lack…” Discipleship. He didn’t want to look at himself. All he wanted to do was to “do things” and put the “God” stamp of approval on it so he could feel good at the end of the day. When are we gonna stop “doing” things for God, doing things in church with the “God” stamp on it and start looking at ourselves? When are we gonna go deep? When is the church gonna offer a not a shot in the arm, but rather open heart surgery…? We don’t need a shot in the arm, we need a change of heart.


  1. Mark, you bring alot of Good Points to table. This is "Today's Church." Lets call an "Ace" an "Ace. This is more the norm then the exception. Look Back to the Old Testament Times.
    There where certian requirements that people were to do BEFORE worshipping. They were to Cleanse themselves. Now, I understand the whole system of the law has been nailed to the cross, but the examples are left for us. I had to ask myself after reading this "When was the last time I cleansed my self before going to worship"

    What about Worship? Worship in the hebrew times(Shahhah) meant "To Bow Down before another worthy of respect". When was the last time I bowed down during worhship...I dont me literaly, but just figurtivley speaking. Im sure Guilty of putting a "GOD STAMP" on my worship.

  2. Thanks for your boldness, Mark.
