So how do you start the first blog? What should it say? Well I guess I should start at square one, but in doing that I had to ask myself a very simple question, but one of the toughest questions in my life… Who am I?
(Houston, TX... Dirty)
I’m sitting in an airport terminal in Atlanta, GA getting ready to board once again, flying this time to Houston, TX. And as I was sitting here, I asked myself such a simple question… If I could’ve looked at myself and who I am today 5 years ago, am I the man that I had hoped to be? Am I as strong as I wanted to be…? Am I as loving? Am I as adventurous and daring as I once hoped and dreamed? Or somewhere along the line did I keep making small compromises ultimately resulting in living a life I often criticized others for…?
The truth is I am a counterfeit.
I answer this question of “who am I” and I begin to realize that almost every part of my day is made with the intent to pass my fraudulence as something genuine, and I think for the most part it’s harmless, but I do not realize the enormous destruction made in tiny everyday compromises.
See there are just too many areas of my life that are simply counterfeit and I’m tired of it. Work, school, church, my love, family, friends and every layer in-between. If I were to strip off all the layers of deceit and deception, would I even recognize myself?
So here I am, every part of my self-built kingdom stripped away, exposing the truth; who I really am. And over these next few months I’m going to break down different parts of my life and expose the deception hidden in the corners of comfort and compromise until every part of my life is reduced to the foundation of who God made me to be. ~ Matt 21:44 ~
In Matthew 28, Jesus called us to “Make Disciples” and the scary thing about that is that in doing so you end up duplicating yourself into others. Jesus did this perfectly. I do this with huge repercussions because of the junk in my life, and it’s the junk that tends to be duplicated the quickest. So step 1 in making disciples: Deal with yourself. That’s what this blog is all about, Me dealing with myself; and maybe somewhere along the line someone reading this will come to a point of breakthrough in their life because they realize that if they want something they’ve never had, they have to do something they’ve never done… Ask the question: Who am I?
Credit to Matt Hagsten for these inspiring words. You're changing a nation my friend...